
Managing Oncology Costs
Oncology costs are skyrocketing and will only continue to do so. Payers need collaborators who can anticipate this growth in costs and address them before they are too burdensome. OPN offers risk-holders cost predictability for oncology care. Most savings are achieved by reducing inefficiencies in care. Without alignment of incentives, there will always be inefficiencies in the system.

The State of Cancer Care
Oncology care is a unique specialty due to the seriousness of the disease and the expense in treating it. As such, it is a multifaceted high-cost endeavor. It requires experience and flexibility to maneuver with emerging demands. Bespoke solutions and adaptable models are OPN’s specialty ensuring every situation has a sustainable value-based answer.

The Unique Nature of Oncology
OPN has over 20 years of experience managing oncology care for risk-holder. Its development of alternative payment models for oncology specialty care gives it a special understanding how to align the interests of its risk-holder partners and network oncologists to provide the best and most efficient care to patients diagnosed with cancer. It has long relationships of over 15 years with many partners and has been developing many programs that help deliver oncology care in the community.

Strong Oncology Networks
OPN has a long history of developing and managing its extensive oncology network. The focus is always on optimizing care and finding solutions for care delivery, not on denying care. It prioritizes network adequacy, partnering with more than one oncologist practice in a region to ensure that there are sufficient providers for an area. Even having an office in place does not guarantee adequate access. OPN work with practices to make sure there are sufficient providers to service a population. Finally, OPN assists in navigating care and offers partnering risk-holders a consolidated point of contact for all oncology groups.
A Trusted Partner for Value-Based Oncology Care
OPN’s long term model gives it a deep understanding of associated claims and clinical data. Its partnership with a growing oncologist network offers providers a coordinated onramp as they move toward a value orientation. Its clinical and administrative integration ensures oncology specialty care is oriented to value-based systems. Its comprehensive platform was built to aid in making value-based care viable. OPN’s has a proven record of aligning all parties toward a value-based approach while maintaining or improve the quality of care.